1. Introductory notes SIA RTU-BT1, as the operator of the international exhibition centre (‘SEC‘), has set up guidelines for exhibitions and other events with the goal of improving the ability of exhibition participants/organisers to present their exhibits to visitors and potential customers. The guidelines are binding to all exhibition participants and event organisers. The guidelines also include safety regulations aimed at ensuring the maximum level of safety for exhibition participants and visitors, covering equipment and fastening elements for exhibitions and events. The guidelines are based on: - Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery; - Council Directive 92/57/EEC of 24 June 1992 on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites; - Cabinet Regulation 238 ‘Fire safety regulations’ of 19 April 2016; - Labour Protection Law of 1 January 2002; - Law on the Safety of Public Entertainment and Festivity Events of 20 July 2005; - Building regulations and standards. As an example of good practice, we recommend using the DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) guidelines (see ‘Sources’ for list of guidelines and links). SEC may conduct checks of compliance with these regulations. General legal provisions must also be complied with. To the extent that the term ‘booth structure’ is used in the technical guidelines following the usual designation, the guidelines do not apply to construction as defined in the guidelines of the Latvian Architect Association [LAS-C-01-15]. Exhibition booth structures are legally classified as ‘devices’ in a public event venue. In the interests of all parties involved, the event may be shut down or the use of an exhibition booth may be prohibited if all the deficiencies found are not corrected by the beginning of the event. SEC may impose any additional requirements pertaining to the Event and the structure and stability of the booths that may be necessary. Service orders must be submitted within the specified deadline, as SEC cannot guarantee the correct and timely processing of late orders. SEC reserves the right to charge an additional fee. SEC reserves the right to make changes to these guidelines. SEC reserves the right to make exceptions to these rules in certain specific cases.
1.1. Internal rules of conduct of the exhibition centre Please observe the currently valid version of the internal rules of conduct (approved on 13.03.2023), which are binding within the entirety of the exhibition centre. The internal rules of conduct are available at the information booth and at www.rigaexpo.lv .
1.2. Opening hours The opening hours are specific to each event and are published in advance. The set-up and dismantling times also depend on the event and are arranged and published in advance. If any exceptions are necessary, they must be approved in advance by SEC.
2. Traffic at the exhibition centre, escape routes, safety devices 2.1. Traffic rules To ensure the smooth flow of traffic during set-up and dismantling, and during the event itself, we encourage everyone to follow the rules intended to regulate and control vehicular access. Instructions given by people assigned by SEC to direct and control traffic must always be followed. The provisions of the Latvian Road Traffic Regulations (CSN) apply to the entire exhibition centre and all the parking spaces belonging to SEC. Drivers and pedestrians must always follow the road signs. Vehicles of any type may only enter the halls or courtyards with the express permission of an SEC employee or someone acting on their behalf. Speeds must not exceed 6 km/h (walking pace). Vehicles may only be parked in the designated areas. Vehicles may not be moved or parked in places that obstruct vehicle traffic. During set-up and dismantling, vehicles may only enter the Exhibition Centre if authorised by an SEC employee. During the event, vehicles may only be parked on the grounds of the Exhibition Centre with a valid entry permit (available to participants), or in a paid car park. The entry permit must be clearly visible on the windscreen of the vehicle. Due consideration must be given to the rights of pedestrians. The firefighter access roads and the areas intended for the work of firefighters are marked with ‘No Parking’ signs and must be kept clear at all times. Illegally parked vehicles, trailer units, containers, as well as boxes and packages, and other items of any kind left on the premises can be removed by SEC at the owner’s own risk. The owners will be billed for all such costs. Depending on the progress of set-up and dismantling, the Exhibition Centre may have to be closed to vehicle traffic for one or multiple periods. SEC is not liable for any delays caused to exhibition participants, to the progress of the construction of their booth, or to other companies involved in the contract, by excessive traffic at the Exhibition Centre or by measures taken by SEC to control the traffic at the Exhibition Centre. Authorised vehicles entering the exhibition halls are requested to minimise their presence (no longer than necessary for loading and unloading). Loading and unloading must be approved by SEC. It must be ensured that the escape and access routes are always unobstructed.
2.2. Escape routes 2.2.1. Firefighter movement routes, hydrants Firefighter access roads and areas must always be clear. Vehicles and other objects placed on emergency access roads or within safety zones may be removed by SEC at the owner’s own risk. The owners will be billed for all such costs. Outdoor and indoor hydrants must not be obstructed, hidden, or made inaccessible in any other way. 2.2.2. Escape routes, emergency exits, emergency stairs Escape routes must always be clear. Doors on escape routes must be easily and fully openable from the inside. Escape routes, exit doors, as well as emergency stairs and their markings must not be blocked, walled up, obstructed with objects or made unidentifiable in any other way. Escape routes in buildings must never be obstructed by objects placed in or protruding from passageways. If these rules are breached, SEC may remedy the situation at the risk and expense of the party that breaches the rules. Materials necessary for the construction of booths or exhibits delivered for immediate installation in the stand may be stored briefly on the sides of an escape route during set-up and dismantling, if the remaining width of the remaining escape route is at least 1.2 metres, which is required for safety and logistical reasons. This requirement is considered met if a zone with a width of no more than 0.9 metres along the boundary of the booth and between the boundary and the hall walkway is used for storage. Regardless of the width of the hall corridor and stored items, a passageway of at least 1.2 metres in width must remain open. This does not include areas in front of emergency exits and intersections of walkways within the hall; the entire width of all these zones must always be unobstructed. Hall walkways must not be used for the installation of exhibits or machinery (e.g., woodworking machines, workbenches, etc.). Logistical reasons may require that all walkways be cleared immediately.
2.3. Safety devices Fire alarm, fire extinguishing, fire detection, door locking, and other safety devices, as well as their operating manuals and emergency exit signs must be accessible and visible at all times. They must not be blocked or covered. 2.4. Booth numbering The Organiser assigns a number to every booth. 2.5. Security SEC is in charge the general security of the exhibition halls and the external exhibition areas during exhibitions and events. General security coverage is also provided during set-up and dismantling. SEC takes no responsibility for installations and items brought in or delivered by participants and third parties acting on their behalf. During the event, the security staff work continuously at the entrance checkpoints. SEC may take all measures necessary to conduct checks, inspections and ensure security. The security of the booths and items brought by the exhibition participant is arranged by the exhibition participant, as necessary. Booth security can only be provided by a security company approved by the event organiser. Exhibition participants are clearly informed that the exhibition display and other items exhibited by the exhibition participants are exposed to greater risk during set-up and dismantling.izstāžu un pasākumu laikā ir atbildīgs par izstāžu zāļu un ārējās ekspozīcijas laukumu vispārējo drošību. Vispārējs drošības segums tiks nodrošināts arī uzbūves un demontāžas laikā. 2.6. Emergency evacuation SEC may order premises or buildings to be closed and evacuated for safety reasons. Exhibition participants must be informed of this procedure by the staff, or, if necessary, plan their own evacuation procedures and ensure that the staff are aware of it. Exhibition participants are responsible for the evacuation of the people working at their booths.
3. Technical data and equipment of the premises and grounds 3.1. Premises data Gate dimensions and ceiling height: Hall 1 (max. ceiling height 9.75 m, at the lower edge of the beam) Gate 1: width 2.50 m, height 2.75 m Gate 3: width 3.97 m, height 4.35 m Hall 2 (ceiling height 6.5-10 m, up to the lower edge of the beam) Gate 9, 10, 12, 14: width 4.45 m, height 4.45 m Gate 11: width 6.45 m, height 6.25 m Gate 13: width 4.45 m, height 6.30 m Max floor load: 33.3 kN/m2 (3 t/m2) Floors: Hall floors: asphalt with a maximum load of 10 t per vehicle axle 3.1.1. General lighting, current, voltage During events, the lighting level in the halls is approx. 220 lux, measured 1.00 m above the hall floor. Current and voltage at the exhibition spaces: Power supply: TN-S - alternating current 230 V (as per IEC 60 038) - three-phase current 3 x 400 V (as per IEC 60 038) Tolerance values according to DIN 50160 3.1.2. Compressed air, electricity, and water supply Compressed air, electricity, and water are supplied to the booths in the exhibition halls through ducts built into the floor of the hall, or over the floor surface in sections where there are no ducts. 3.1.3. Heating and ventilation In Halls 1 and 2, the heating and ventilation systems can create air flows in the upper area of the booths and near the floor. 3.1.4. Disruptions All disruptions in the supply of utilities (e.g., electricity, water, compressed air, heating, ventilation, telecommunications) must be reported immediately to the SEC management. Management is not liable for any damage or loss resulting from such disruptions. 3.2. Outdoor exhibition areas Outdoor exposure areas have a surface consisting of a layer of gravel or crushed stone. The design load capacity of these areas is 100 kN/m² (10 t/m²). Some places in the outdoor exhibition areas have a paving stone surface. There are limitations with utility coverage and other services in the outdoor areas.
4. Booth structure 4.1. Booth stability Exhibition booths, including fastening elements, exhibits, and any advertising structures, must be stable so as not to threaten public order and safety. They must specifically not pose a threat to health or life. Adjacent booths or other existing structures may not be used for providing booth stability. The exhibition participant is responsible for the static stability of the structures and must be able to demonstrate it if necessary. In justified cases, SEC reserves the right to assign a structural engineer to check the stability of a structure in person (for a fee). 4.2. Accepted structures 4.2.1. Vehicles and containers Vehicles and containers used as booths in exhibition halls require prior approval. 4.2.2. Replacement of unaccepted booth structures Booth designs that are not accepted and do not comply with the technical guidelines or legal provisions must be changed or removed. If this is not done within the time specified, SEC may block the booth for the entire duration of the event. 4.2.3. Scope of responsibility The exhibition participant or event organiser is legally responsible for the safety of their exhibition booth/event and event structures. They must also ensure that the technical guidelines are fully complied with by the participating companies as well. Furthermore, the exhibition participant or the person/company the exhibition participant has commissioned must compensate SEC for all third-party claims arising from the violation of the above booth construction rules. SEC does not take any responsibility for the documents, drafts, and samples submitted by the exhibition participant. The risk of accidental and other damage rests solely with the exhibition participant. 4.3. Height of structures The maximum height of a structure in the halls is 6 m. Separate rules apply to the lobby. Please contact the SEC Technical Division.
4.4. Fire safety rules 4.4.1. Fire safety The exhibition halls are equipped with fire detection and fire alarm systems. If the operation of these fire systems is interfered with by booth structures, emissions of gas or operations related to fire, smoke, and high temperatures, additional measures must be taken, which must be approved in advance by SEC. Booth structures and finishing materials The materials of the booth structures, except for fire-resistant materials, non-flammable and non-melting materials, must comply with the standards DIN 4102-1 B1 or DIN EN 13501-1 C s2, d0. For single-storey booth structures, standard fire-resistant, non-flammable, and non-melting construction materials, as defined in DIN 4102-1 B2 or DIN EN 13501-1 D s3, d0, may be used if there are no fire safety concerns. A certificate must be available confirming the classification of the construction material used. Decorative materials must at least be classified as fire-resistant (class B1) and non-flammable as per DIN 4102-1 with limited production of smoke, or at least as class C (C-s2, D0) as per DIN EN 13501-1. Explosive materials, ammunition Explosive materials, which are covered by the Latvian Law on the Handling of Explosives for Civil Uses, may not be exhibited at fairs or exhibitions. This also applies to ammunition, in accordance with the current laws of Latvia. Pyrotechnics The use of pyrotechnics may only take place with the approval of the corresponding documentation by the SEC management. If this rule is breached, SEC may suspend the event or the operation of the exhibition booth. Balloons Using air balloons filled with gas in the exhibition halls and outdoor areas requires the consent of SEC. Flying objects The use of flying objects in the buildings and outdoor areas is generally prohibited. Exceptions require the prior written consent of SEC. Smoke machines The use of smoke machines must be approved in advance by SEC. Containers for household and recyclable waste Containers for recyclable and household waste must be made of non-flammable materials. These containers must be emptied regularly, no later than by the closing of the exhibition in the evening. The service in charge of cleaning the premises is responsible for this. A fee is charged for this service. Containers with large amounts of accumulated flammable waste must be emptied multiple times a day. Spray guns, solvents It is prohibited to use spray guns, as well as solvent-containing materials and paints. Hot work and abrasive cutting work Welding, cutting, brazing, separation, and other work involving open flames or flying sparks must be approved in writing by SEC, before this work begins. SEC issues a ‘Hot work order’ based on the request. The requirements specified in the order must be met before the work starts. The presence of a fire monitor during work and for further monitoring is mandatory in accordance with the requirements set in the permit. When cooking, please note that the exhaust air can trigger the fire detection and alarm systems (see Section 4.4.1). Catering involving an open flame is strictly prohibited in the halls. Packaging materials/storage of materials The storage of any kind of empty/full containers (such as wrapping and packaging materials, flammable materials, solid objects) inside the booth and outside it in the hall or open areas is prohibited. Packaging materials and exhibition items may not be stored in the hallways, even for a short period. Escape routes and safety zones must not be blocked by empty containers. Full and empty containers, waste, or residual materials must never be stored on the stages and behind the walls of the booth. During the event, only brochures and advertising materials in the amounts necessary for the day may be stored at the booth. Fire extinguishers In accordance with the Fire Safety Regulations (Cabinet Regulation 238), fire extinguishers are set up across the entirety of SEC, and their locations are marked with signs (4.3. ‘Fire extinguisher’). When performing the work specified in Section, a fire extinguisher of the appropriate class must be provided at the booth. The fire extinguisher is provided by the exhibition participant. Smoking prohibition
Smoking is prohibited in all the indoor spaces of the exhibition centre!
4.4.2. Glass panels and acrylic glass To avoid injuries, glass panel edges must have a smooth finish or some kind of protection. Booth elements made entirely of glass must be clearly marked at eye level. 4.5. Exits, emergency exits, doors 4.5.1. Exits, emergency exits The distance from any location in the exhibition area to the hall path must not exceed 20 m. Halls with an area of more than 100 m2 must have at least two exits to the emergency escape routes. These exits must be as far apart as possible and at opposite locations of the room. Emergency escape routes must be marked in accordance with the Fire Safety Regulations (Cabinet Regulation 238). 4.5.2. Doors Hinged doors, revolving doors, doors that require a code, sliding doors, as well as all other obstacles on escape routes may only be used with the permission of SEC. 4.6. Platforms, stairs, ladders, and walkways Railings or other delimiting structures that contrast with the surrounding environment and are not lower than 0.9 m must be installed in: - open parts of the indoor space wherever the vertical difference between floor levels is more than 0.45 m;  - indoor and outdoor stairs if they connect rooms, and the vertical difference between floor levels is more than 0.45 m; Cultural and entertainment institutions (in the section accessible to spectators) may have open stairs, provided that escaping from any point of the structure is possible through at least two separate escape exits. Stairs or platforms must be provided with railings or barriers, the minimum height of which must 1.00 m, and the vertical gaps between handrail elements must optimally ensure the safety of children, not being wider than 0.15 m.
4.7. Booth layout and design 4.7.1. General provisions Special conditions for participation in the event and technical guidelines must be taken into account. They must be communicated to all service providers involved and translated where necessary. Walls adjoining visitor walkways must be improved with cabinets, recesses, displays, etc. The rear sides of the booths adjoining the neighbouring booths must be neutral so as not to spoil the design of the neighbouring booth. As a general rule, rear walls facing neighbouring booths must be plain and neutral in colour (e.g., white or light grey). Advertising and logos must be placed at least 1.00 metre from the boundary with the neighbouring booth. 4.7.2. Inspection of the rented booth space After accepting the booth space, the exhibition participant must familiarise itself with the on-site location of equipment such as fire extinguishers, hall supports, cables and pipelines, etc. And inform its employees and subcontractors accordingly. The booth boundaries must be strictly observed. 4.7.3. Permanent changes to the building structure No part of the building or its equipment may be damaged, polluted, or modified in any way. It is also forbidden to paint, wallpaper over, or glue materials to any part of the exhibition hall. Pillars/columns located in the rented rack space can be hidden up to the permissible height of the structure, as long as they are not damaged in any way and there are no infrastructure or fire safety elements located near them. 4.7.4. Foundations, excavations, hall floors If a foundation is needed, it must be built above the level of the hall floor. Digging holes is not possible. Painting the floors is not allowed. Mortar must be mixed and applied on metal or plastic sheets or tarps, not directly on the floor. Oil and similar substances must be removed from the floor of the hall immediately. Carpets and other floor coverings must be installed in accordance with accident prevention regulations and must not go beyond the area of the rented booth (exceptions possible on request). Only SEC-approved Tesa EAN 4042448048455 adhesive tape may be used. This adhesive tape can also be purchased at the information stand of the exhibition centre. These materials must be removed without leaving any residue. Any anchoring and fastening elements in the exhibition hall floors must be approved by the SEC management. Installing supply lines and pipes under the floor is not allowed. When placing loose material (e.g., soil, sand) onto the floor, utility ducts must be covered and protected from contamination. If dust is produced or spread, the person in charge of this must clean it up using appropriate equipment.
4.7.5. Structures suspended from the hall ceiling Before the suspended structures are approved, the following information must be submitted to the SEC technical service: (fill in the ‘Suspended structures’ form) - number of the booth, in which the exhibit is to be installed - total weight of the suspended elements (must not exceed maximum surface load) - sketch or plan (indicating the attachment locations) Suspended elements may only be included on the list of additional elements and the invoice with the approval of the SEC technical service. At exhibitions, only suspended structures with a maximum load of 100 kg per attachment location may be installed, and only in a vertical position with a maximum surface load of 7 kg per square metre of booth area. Higher loads are possible as an exception, requiring approval, provided that the other booths in the area in question do not use suspended structures. During events, loads attached to the ceiling structures must be approved by SEC. A total load of 1700 kg (16.67 kN) may be applied per supporting beam in Hall 1, and 700 kg (6.86 kN), in Hall 2. Only the SEC technical service or its partners may perform work on the load-bearing structure of the roof. An O-ring may be indicated as the attachment point at the client’s request. Structurally significant connections between suspended structures and structures connected to the floor are not permitted.
A limited amount of advertising elements and banners may be suspended from the ceiling of the hall at a maximum installation height of 6.00 metres. The necessary fastening elements may only be installed on the structure supporting the ceiling of the hall by the SEC technical service or its partners based on a written order (for a fee). In terms of any type of structures suspended from the ceiling of the hall, the SEC technical service is ready to approve those types, means, and solutions that comply with: DGUV Regulation 1 (Principles of Prevention), DGUV Regulation 17 (Staging and Production Facilities for the Entertainment Industry), DGUV Regulation 54 (Winches, Lifting, and Pulling Equipment), DGUV Information 215-313 (‘Loads above People’). 4.7.6. Booth partitions SEC does not normally provide booth partitions to separate booths in exhibition areas. Such partitions are provided by the exhibition participant or a booth construction company approved by the exhibition organiser. Partitions must be rigid and stable. 4.7.7. Advertising materials/presentations Letters attached to booths and exhibits, as well as company logos and company names, must not exceed the permitted height of the structure and must look attractive from all sides. Slow-motion optical displays and acoustic effects are allowed, as is the playing of music, provided that adjacent booths are not inconvenienced and the building’s public address system can still be heard. The maximum permissible volume level at the boundary of the booth is 70 dB, and the speakers must be directed towards the area of the exhibition booth itself. SEC may order speakers to be turned off if these rules are not followed. Printed and advertising materials may only be distributed outside the booth area with the permission of the event or exhibition organiser. 4.7.8. No barriers The design of the booths must have no barriers. Persons with disabilities must be able to access and use the booths and their premises without external assistance.
4.8. Outdoor exhibition areas 4.8.1. Maximum height Exhibits with a height of more than 5 metres require the approval of SEC. 4.8.2. Advertising, displays, and flags The installation of structures for advertising at a height exceeding 5 metres requires the approval of SEC. 4.8.3. Foundations If a foundation is needed, it must be built above the ground. There must be separable layers. Excavation is prohibited. The foundations and other building parts and structures produced by the exhibition participant must be removed during dismantling. The original state of the grounds must be restored. Exhibition participants are responsible for ensuring safety until this work is completed. Construction waste must be removed immediately. Stakes may only be used in certain cases. Their use must be approved by SEC. 4.9. Two-storey structures The construction of a two-storey exhibition booth is only allowed based on a written application by the exhibition participant with a commitment to ensure and to take responsibility for the safety compliance of the two-storey structure and the booth as a whole with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia. The participant must be able to present valid certificates for the elements of the structures that meet the criteria of stability, load capacity, and fire safety. If the floor area of the two-storey booth exceeds 30 m2, mobile smoke detectors must be installed in it. All parts of the booth facing neighbouring booths must have a neutral surface. The maximum height of two-storey booths is 6 metres from the floor to the top edge. The minimum interior height of the booth for the two-storey booth design is 2.3 m. The escape routes provided must comply with the Fire Safety Regulations (Cabinet Regulation 238). The load-bearing components of two-storey booths, the ceiling of the lower storey and the floor of the upper storey must be made of at least fire-resistant construction materials (according to DIN 4102 or EN 13501-1). The upper floor and stairs must have a fence or handrails in accordance with the laws and regulations.
5. Occupational safety, technical safety specifications, technical regulations, equipment 5.1. General provisions Exhibition participants are responsible for occupational safety and compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, as well as accident prevention regulations at their booths. Set-up and dismantling may only be carried out in accordance with the corresponding occupational safety laws and regulations. 5.1.1. Damage SEC will, on the basis of a cost estimate or invoice, correct any damage to the exhibition grounds or any buildings or facilities that is caused by an exhibition participant, the event organiser, or the authorised representatives of the exhibition, and will dispose of any waste left after the event after dismantling is completed at the expense of the exhibition participant or event organiser. Payments transferred to third parties are subject to an administrative fee of EUR 20.00. 5.2. Use of materials/equipment It is not allowed to use woodworking equipment not provided with chip collection devices and storage containers. Cranes, forklifts, hoists, electric pallet trucks, and other motorised ground vehicles may only be used with the approval of SEC. All such vehicles may only be operated by trained staff who have valid certificates for the right to operate these vehicles. They must be able to present these valid certificates.
5.3. Power connection 5.3.1. Connection The connection is provided via the TN-S system switchboards. The standard voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz for single-phase AC, and 400 V, 50 Hz for three-phase AC. Under normal operating conditions, the voltage and frequency are kept as constant as possible. Each switchboard that is to be connected to the mains has one or multiple possible connections. This work may only be performed by SEC staff. Power lines are usually laid through utility ducts or on the surface of the floor. Please enclose a booth plan that clearly shows where an electrical connection is necessary. Only a qualified electrician may install the wiring in the booth. Power may not be received from neighbouring booths. 5.3.2. Installation in the booth Booths must use a TN-S system mains power supply. If possible, every booth must be fitted with a main switch to disconnect it from the mains of the hall, or, if this is permitted, a plug and socket connection. If a constant source of power supply is required for certain devices, such as refrigeration equipment, computers, etc., a separate circuit must be ordered and installed that remains active when the main circuit breaker is turned off. Current leakage prevention measures must also be installed as a protective measure. Only a qualified electrician may install the wiring in the booth. If the currently effective regulations are not followed, the owner of the booth must disconnect from the power supply source. 5.3.3. Installation and operation All electrical installation in the booths must be carried out in accordance with the latest energy standards: ‘Operation of energy equipment’ LEK-002, and ‘Safety requirements for work on electrical equipment’ LEK-025. All protective measures taken must also include protection against indirect contact with live components. Only cables of the following types or types of higher quality, with a minimum cross-section of 1.5 mm2 Cu, may be used: NYM, HO5 VV-F, HO5 RR-F. Uninsulated electrical conductors and clamps are not allowed in facilities with low voltage protection measures. Secondary cables must be protected against short circuits and overloads. Flexible cables (including flat cables) may only be installed under flooring if they are protected against mechanical stress. Exhibition participants must disconnect their booths from the hall mains every evening after closing. The exhibition participants take full responsibility for this. 5.3.4. Safety measures Special care must be taken of all heat-generating electrical devices (hotplates, spotlights, transformers, etc.); these must be installed on a non-flammable, heat-resistant, asbestos-free base at a proper distance from all flammable materials. Lights must not be mounted onto booth decor or similar materials. UV-B and UV-C violet lamps may only be used in dedicated facilities where spills of the light without protection can be avoided and where booth staff and visitors can avoid excessive exposure. 5.3.5. Emergency lighting Booths that obscure general emergency lighting must be equipped with additional emergency lights, because of the design of the booth. These lights must be installed such that escape routes are clearly visible.
5.4. Water and sewer equipment 5.4.1. Connections For booths that require a water supply and sewer connection, this must be arranged in advance. Connections to these utilities may only be installed by SEC. Please include a booth plan with your order, clearly indicating where the connections are needed. Supply pipes, where possible, must be placed in utility ducts, and in the rest of the area they must be installed above ground level. These costs are covered by the exhibition participant. The amount of pollutants in wastewater entering the sewer system must not exceed the normal levels found in domestic wastewater. Food and fat residue must not enter the sewer system. For safety reasons, the water supply is turned off on the last day of the exhibition/event once the event ends. 5.4.2. Use of water facilities and equipment SEC must be informed of any water use, e.g., in pools, fountains, water walls, and air humidification systems, as well as any other water spray systems intended for use in the booth. It must be guaranteed that the water is in a hygienically sound condition. Proof of this must be submitted to SEC on request. 5.5. Connection to compressed air supply Booths that require a compressed air supply can be equipped with one or more connections on request. These connections are set up by SEC. Please include a booth plan, clearly indicating where the connections are needed. The pipes, where possible, must be placed in utility ducts, and in the rest of the area they must be installed above ground level. For safety reasons, the compressed air supply is turned off after the event.
5.6. Machinery, pressure vessels, exhaust systems 5.6.1. Machinery noise, dynamic machine loads In the interests of visitors and other exhibition participants, the operation of noisy equipment must be kept to a minimum. The maximum noise level at the outer edge of the booth must not exceed 70 dB (A). The operation of machines and systems with vibrating forces, the pressure of which increases, is only allowed if the load is not transferred to any part of the building. 5.6.2. Device safety According to Article 4 of the German Equipment Safety Act, parties that manufacturer, import, or exhibit technical devices (as defined by that act), must exhibit only those devices that fully comply with the generally accepted engineering regulations and industrial safety regulations, thus complying with the CE marking conditions. Safety guards Parts of machinery or devices may only be operated with all guards installed. Standard safety guards can be replaced with a safe cover of suitable transparent material. Protective devices, such as guards, may be removed to show visitors the structure of the equipment or to cover the design of individual components, as long as it can be guaranteed that the equipment cannot be operated. Guards must be placed next to the machine in a way that the guards are visible. Prohibition to operate machinery SEC may at any time prohibit the operation of machines and devices, the operation of which SEC deems to be a danger to people and objects. 5.6.3. Pressure vessels Pressure vessels may only be operated in the booth if the inspections of these (before their start-up and, if necessary, repeat inspections), required in accordance with the Law on Technical Supervision of Dangerous Equipment, are certified. The certificate must be present at the booth. 5.6.4. Exhaust gases and fumes Exhibits or equipment in the exhibition halls must not emit fumes or gases that are flammable, hazardous to health, or create a general hazard. 5.6.5. Exhaust systems Discharging exhaust gases on the premises is not allowed during the exhibition/event.
5.7. Use of compressed/liquefied gases and flammable liquids 5.7.1. Compressed and liquefied gas equipment Compressed and liquefied gas may only be used in exhibition halls or outdoor exhibition areas with the written permission of SEC. It is not allowed to use tanks, the weight of gas in which is more than 14 kg (Section 341.4 of Cabinet Regulation 238 ‘Fire Safety Regulations’. 5.7.2. Use of liquefied gas If liquefied gas is to be used, the exhibition participant may not store more than 1 tank in the booth. Its use must be approved by SEC and confirmation of this must be obtained. The tank may not be changed during the exhibition or event. The equipment inspection certificate must be present at the booth. Flexible liquefied gas lines (if a line length of more than 400 mm cannot be avoided) must be fitted with a pipe burst safety device. The replacement of tanks in the halls must be approved by the SEC technical service. 5.7.3. Installation and operation The tenant of the booth is responsible for the installation and operation of liquefied gas equipment. If the SEC technical service detects violations or threats, it can prohibit the operation of the equipment at the exhibition/event. 5.7.4. Flammable liquids The storage of flammable liquids is prohibited. Exceptions related to operational requirements must be approved by SEC in advance; written approval is required. The Fire Safety Regulations (Cabinet Regulation 238) must be complied with. 5.8. Asbestos and other hazardous materials The use of asbestos and other materials hazardous to health in the exhibition or in the visual design of the event is not allowed.
5.9. Ionising radiation 5.9.1. Protection against ionising radiation The use of ionising radiation-emitting equipment is only allowed in compliance with the ‘Rules on protection against ionising radiation’ (Cabinet Regulation 149), and with the approval of SEC. 5.9.2. Laser equipment The use of laser equipment is only permitted if the ‘Occupational safety requirements for the protection of employees against the risk caused by artificial optical radiation in the working environment’ (Cabinet Regulation 731) requirements are met, and with the approval of SEC. 5.9.3. Light emitting diodes The operation of high-energy or high-aperture LED devices must be approved by SEC. 5.10. High frequency/radio equipment 5.10.1. Electromagnetic compatibility of equipment Operation with high-frequency equipment and radio equipment is only permitted if it complies with the applicable provisions of the ‘Electromagnetic compatibility regulations for equipment’ (Cabinet Regulation 208). 5.10.2. PMSE devices and their use Programme-making and special-events (PMSE) devices include the transmitting equipment of services auxiliary to broadcasting/programmes (SAB/SAP) used for analogue or digital signal transmission over a short distance with a limited number of transmitters and receivers. These also encompass broadcasting, cultural, musical, and theatrical performances, and social and sporting events. PMSE equipment is used for professional and non-professional purposes, both locally and nationally. Radio microphones are the most common and widespread type of PMSE wireless sound equipment, and the systems related to these are, for example, portable ear monitors, two-way communication systems, and sound radio lines. According to the Law on Electronic Communications, PMSE devices may be used in Latvia once they receive a licence to use a radio frequency awarded by VAS ‘Elektroniskie sakari’, or according to a licence to use a shared radio frequency.
5.11. Cranes, forklifts, and empty containers The operation of cargo cranes must comply with the ‘Procedure for the technical supervision of cargo cranes’ (Cabinet Regulation 113). Only the SEC technical service may perform loading and unloading with a forklift. The performance of these must be ordered at the info booth, or with the exhibition managers, or with the SEC technical service. It is forbidden to store empty or full containers, flammable materials of any kind (such as packaging and wrapping materials, including hard shells) inside the booth and outside it in the hall or outdoors. Empty containers must be taken to a storage location at the expense of the exhibition participant or client. SEC may remove empty containers or containers stored without permission, at the exhibition participant’s expense. 5.12. Playing music According to the Copyright Law, exhibition participants who intend to play any kind of music must obtain permission from the Collective Management of Copyright Organisations (AKKA/LAA, LAIPA, LKPA, etc.). 5.13. Food hygiene If food samples are offered for on-site consumption, or if food and beverages are sold on-site, pertinent laws and regulations must be followed, in particular the Law on the Supervision of the Handling of Food.
6.1. Waste management These regulations are based on the Waste Management Law, as well as related municipal regulations and orders. It is the responsibility of the exhibition participant or event organiser to ensure that all waste generated during the set-up and dismantling of the booth or event, as well as during the event itself, is disposed of in a proper and environmentally compatible manner. The exhibition participant or event organiser is considered to be the producer of this waste. 6.1.1. Waste disposal The collection of waste generated at the exhibition centre may only done by companies that have a contract with SEC. According to the principles of waste management, the priority must be to avoid waste in the exhibition areas altogether. Exhibition participants/event organisers and their contractual partners must do everything possible to respect these principles at all stages of the event. All participants must strive to achieve this goal by planning and coordinating their activities. The set-up of booths and events must involve materials that are recyclable and as environmentally compatible as possible. Materials left behind will be destroyed without inspection, and the participant/vent organiser may be charged an increased fee. 6.1.2. Hazardous waste The exhibition participant/event organiser and its contractors (e.g., booth builders) must notify SEC of any waste that, due to its type, condition, or amount, is considered a particular risk to health, air or water or is particularly explosive or flammable (e.g., batteries, varnishes, solvents, lubricants, dyes, electrical equipment, electronic waste, etc.), and the responsible contractor must dispose of them properly. 6.1.3. Waste brought to the exhibition area Waste that is not produced by the event, or set-up/disassembly may not be brought to the exhibition spaces. 6.2. Water, wastewater, soil protection 6.2.1. Oil and grease separators The amount of pollutants of any wastewater entering the sewer system must not exceed the normal level found in household wastewater. If the oil or grease content of the wastewater discharged exceeds these limits, oil or grease separators must be used. These measures must comply with the generally accepted rules of technology. With mobile gastronomy spaces, oil/fat must be collected separately and disposed of accordingly. 6.2.2. Cleaning and cleaning products Cleaning must generally be performed using biodegradable products. Cleaning agents containing solvents harmful to health must be used in accordance with the regulations and as an exception. 6.3. Environmental damage Environmental damage or pollution (e.g., gasoline, oil, solvent, paint) must be immediately reported to SEC.
7. Miscellaneous Riga is the place of performance and jurisdiction. The law of the Republic of Latvia applies. 8. Sources - Laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, available at www.likumi.lv - DGUV Regulation 1 (Principles of Prevention) Unfallverhütungsvorschrift Grundsätze der Prävention - DGUV Regulation 17 (Staging and Production Facilities for the Entertainment Industry) Unfallverhütungsvorschrift Veranstaltungs- und Produktionsstätten für szenische Darstellung - DGUV Regulation 54 (Winches, Lifting, and Pulling devices) Unfallverhütungsvorschrift Winden, Hub- und Zuggeräte - DGUV Information 215-313 (Loads above People) Lasten über Personen. - Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (17 May 2006) on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC. - Council Directive 92/57/EEC (24 June 1992) on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites. - Law on the Safety of Public Entertainment and Festivity Events